Monday 8 April 2024

The Game Of History

 The Game Of History




 #0001 GOLD COIN

 #0001 Stone


#0002 Clay

#0002 Carpenter 

#0002 Container 

Level 2

A Little Spice

Portable Water = Revolutionary = That's Money

#0002 Penny For You

Saturday 6 April 2024

Law Of Currency

 A Stater Process Of Change

When A Stater Changes The Supply Must Remain The Same

For The Value & The Supply Amount Is Different

Value = 100%

Supply = 3 000 000 000

Now History & Culture Change = War (Soft & Hard)

For Creating Currency Notes Is Not Easy For The Paper Needs To Be Manufactured 

Propaganda Machine Needs To Be Used For The Switch & People Help Need To Be Trained To Not Accept The Old Currency Note = Yet It Still Holds It Value


Note : Result Of This War Is

Value = Can Remain The Same

Supply = Can Drop


For The New Stater Must Be Exactly The Same As The Old Supply & All The Old Stater Must Be - Removed From The Market = Collect ALL Gold Stater & Reforge Them


For Do You See How Dangerous This Is For A State Or Empire = The Scale & Land Retrieval

Beware Of The Trickster For Sleight Of Hand


Value = 50%

Supply = 1 000 000 000 


Did We Make Things Better ? Did You Get Your Value Back ?


Value = 72%

Supply = 7 000 000 000


Did We Grow ? Did We Grow The Economy ?


Did A New Market Be Created?


Can We Keep Growing / If So Repeat / After Profit = Breakeven

Friday 5 April 2024

Class Colour

The Mystery Of The Colour Systems 



The Class That Knows What Needs To Be Known

[ Link ]


The Black Chess piece

The Class Which Knows That Which Is Not To Be Known


{ + [ Link ] - }


{ + [ .. ( .. ] - } ) 






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The Game Of History

 The Game Of History   Money    #0001 GOLD COIN  #0001 Stone Fiat #0002 Clay #0002 Carpenter  #0002 Container  Level 2   A Little Spice     ...